Wednesday 14 March 2007

When I took on this allotment in November 2006, I was told I was mad. Maybe so.....

When I took it on, the entire plot was covered in 5 ft high brambles and various debris hidden underneath them.
Work so far has taken the form of cutting down and tidying up as much as I can. As the ground here is clay, I have been unable to get any digging done until now, and I now have to work like stink to get it ready for when my many trays of seedlings are ready.

Some of the photos below show the allotment in the first month or so. Still really overgrown, and yes I did question my sanity in insisting on this one when there were easier plots available on site. We are now in March 2007 and the plot is starting to look more like an allotment than waste ground and I'm fairly happy with progress made down there so far.

Since November I have: cut down 90% of the brambles;
installed 2 compost daleks, a waterbutt and an 8x6 greenhouse;
discovered 2 blackcurrant and 1 gooseberry bush; dug in a fruit bed around existing fruit bushes;
bought and added more fruit bushes, meaning fruit bed needs to be doubled (in progress);
started building and digging raised beds, one is completed which has held my overwintering broad beans and peas, the others are in progress.

Thats enough to be going on with for now, I also have loads of stuff started off in trays in my mini greenhouses, but I'll add these when they go in the ground and I can proudly announce the next row!
All photos taken so far have been added in no particular order as I didn't date them when I saved them to the computer.


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