Tuesday 3 April 2007

Some cultivated land at last

I have to admit I did a little victory dance at the thought of having a small patch of ground cultivated at last. These beds contain my spuds, Pentland Javelin and Arran Pilot. Got another bed to dig about the same size for the Red Duke of York and then that will be all my earlies in.
Time to go shopping for seconds and maincrops now.
Have sown half of my sweetcorn today, have gone for Lark. Will sow the rest at the beginning of May.
Was poking around in the greenhouse today, another tray of salad has germinated, along with the Asters that I have sown for my front garden. Canes arrived from garden warehouse last week, so need to get my bean frame built and plan where my peas are going to go. Need to get my successional sowings of these on the go pretty soon. Need to rethink the brassicas, because I'm going to grow extra cabbages and greens for the chooks, reckon I need a larger area for these but the logistics of netting this are giving me headaches.

Plans for this week, if I get enough time are to sort out a place to grow tomatoes outside and get the bean trench dug and a frame up.



Johnty Greentoes said...

What is it with you girls doing dances for joy whenever things grow or get planted. Se Hazel's blog (link from my blog) - she's always jigging about the place.

Glad you found the scarecrow scary...it's quite important for a scarecrow to be scary!

Kirsty said...

Women never need a reason for anything.