Tuesday 9 October 2007

Jeepers Cheepers and Ex-Bats

Well, due to the depradations of Mr Fox I lost my last two girls and can quite honestly say that I was gutted in a resigned sort of way. I have had a month without girls so decided to check out the Battery Hens Welfare Trust to look into adopting some of those. Found out that there was a rescue happening on 6 Oct so put my name down for 12 then spent the last month rebuilding part of the run and fortifying it.
Have also got 4 chicks, a Light Sussex, 2 Marans and a Silkie. The wee ones were first out yesterday morning and showing the big girls how its done!
The ex-bats have been laying fairly well, and with winter approaching, I will enjoy them for as long as I get them before the girls rest up over the darker months. I have been told that the babies will lay next spring.

Some pics.

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